Tackle Your Back Pain

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spine-assessmentIf back pain is limiting your activities, don’t wait to get the health care you need. Eighty percent of adults will experience back pain at some point1. Before you visit a surgeon, you may benefit from visiting a back pain specialist.

They will perform an extensive evaluation that includes a personal interview, physical examination as well as a thorough review of all prior medical records, labs and imaging studies to identify the cause and recommend a treatment plan.

We believe in treating the entire person, as pain effects not only the physical aspects of your life but also your mind, spirit, personal relationships, jobs, family and emotional well-being.

Our treatment plans may include physical medicine & rehabilitation, physical therapy, medications, interventional pain procedures and pain psychotherapy – only recommending orthopedic surgery when necessary.

Take Our Back Pain Assessment

This brief assessment will help you assess your spine health and determine if treatment may be an option for you.


Start Your Assessment 


Your health means everything. Take time to care of your back.

Our pain specialists have clinics in Missoula and in Stevensville. Call us today schedule an appointment at (406) 541-7246.



1. Freburger JK, Holmes GM, Agans RP, et al. The rising prevalence of chronic low back pain. Arch Intern Med. 2009;169(3):251-258. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2008.543

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